Tag Archives: Interactive Packaging

The Challenging and Fun Interactive unboxing Challenges 

Unboxing is a big part of the experience customers have with their product.

When you give them an unboxing experience that will really be enjoyable, it can help to engage customers even more. One way to do it is through interactive unboxing experiences.

Here, we’ll go over some of the fun along with interactive ways to really craft a challenging and fun experience for customers, turning all of your packaging into something social media will eat up.


Puzzles are a fun one. These are various items that customers can enjoy, and play with. With puzzles, customers get involved directly, and are able to utilize them.

The beauty of puzzles is again, it creates interactions with the person that’s opening them. it takes the packaging and creates something engaging with customers.

You can make the box a whole puzzle that they have to open up and work on, or you can just create a puzzle in the box or on the back they can solve. This is great for kid products too, as it can be a fun way to get everyone involved. 

AR and QR codes 

One way to make your packaging fun and interactive is through AR and QR codes. 

AR, or augmented reality, is a way to make the reality more interesting, and make it fun.   It can be a good way to truly interact with your customers, adding some fun to your packaging experience. Various AR tools, such as envisioning the outfit on the customer, or even fun little games that they can play with the packaging there is fun.

QR codes are another. They’re a code that you scan with your phone, and from there, it takes you to, well, anything. from puzzles to games, to even coupons or other interactive experiences, there’s a lot of fun to be had.

Adding these to your packaging engages with customers, and when they do unboxing videos for social media, they can also take videos of these experiences, in order to show their customers what’s really going on with the packaging.

Games for Fun 

Games are another one.   This kind of ties into the last one, but if you can add a game, or something that customers can do with the packaging, it’s fun. Creating various items out of the packaging is one way to do this, such as maybe creating a display stand or vanity for some beauty care items. 

Overall, the packaging needs to engage your customers, and you want to try to incorporate games that fit the audience, and provide endless engagement for all that are involved. 

How Brands can Capitalize On this 

There are a few ways that brands can capitalize on their type of packaging.

First, they want to look at viral trends that are happening. Going to TikTok, Facebook, or other areas is a good place to start.   Look at what’s trending for unboxing videos, and what customers are doing, and from there, you can also do the same thing.


Many times, when you are able to spot what they’re doing and put your own spin on it, customers will flock to you. consider as well, talking to customers and finding out what they want out of their creative packaging experience.

Overall, it does require a bit of legwork on your part, so make sure you’re ready to do that. but for brands that are able to capitalize on this, it can offer a myriad of fun to be had, and a lot of experiences that customers will remember. Make your packaging memorable by doing this.