Monthly Archives: January 2023

Differences in Stretch Film 

There are many kinds of stretch film that offer a variety of uses.  The varieties of this do address some common problems including the size of the load, the weight of this, and the like. There are also stretch films that you can get that are used to protect the UV rays from getting into the product, reduce the static, which is great for electronics, reduce condensation of the product, and the like.

There are two major types of stretch film, the blown stretch film, and there is the cast stretch film.  Here, we’ll talk about these types, and other common ones. 

Blown Stretch Film 

This is one that’s created through blown extrusion and that process utilizes a vertical sort of die that extrudes out the plastic, melting it to create a tube that’s thin. The air then gets blown directly into the center portion of the tube, forming air bubbles with this. 

The amount of this that’s blown does determine the width overall of the film that’s finished.  They constantly rotate the film, so the speed of this and how it gets pulled in an upward manner determines the film’s thickness.

While it travels upwards to the nip rollers at the top, this film starts to cool down. Once that bubble is then collapsed onto a tube that’s flat, they then move this to the next set of rollers, and from there, they then are woven to the core, and for larger ones, one side of this sits to create a large width of stretch film. 

The advantages of this are that you can use this for higher loads and it has a better stretch capacity. It’s also considered better for the load retention that you need. It’s also better in terms of memory, so it’ll stay in a tight manner for a much longer time period. It’s also resistant to tearing, and it’s great for loads that have edges which are sharp. 

This tends to be more expensive though, so the costs of this do tend to be a problem for others. It’s also got a chance that it might not be as clear, due to the crystallization that happens with this.

Cast Stretch Film 

This is made with cast extrusion, and in this process, they utilize a die that’s horizontal, and from there, they melt the plastic, force this through that horizontal die, and from there, it then sits flat, and it comes out in a shape that’s flat.  The size of this does determine how thick it is.

It then goes through some nip rollers that are chilled, and then, the trim is then made in a way that’s a specified type of width, and this is done after they cool this film. The film then gets pushed over the other chilled rollers, and further cooled. Then, at the end of this, is where the film gets placed, and they get packaged into cases so that they can be shipped. 

It’s much cheaper, and it usually costs a lot less. It’s also better for clarity and optics too, since the film gets cooled down faster during cast extrusion, and the crystals are far less here. 

They also have better tear resistance too. The biggest disadvantage is that over time, it doesn’t really hold the shape, so it’s bad for load retention. So if you’re going to be using this for a long period of time, you may want to consider using the blown options, rather than cast, so that it keeps the same integrity that it’s had up to this point too. 

Supplies Needed to Make Any Move Stress Free 

Moves are exciting, and it can give you new chances to build on memories. It’s exciting for those in businesses, and families too, but sometimes things go awry. Between the furniture being damaged, paperwork getting misplaced, and people hurting themselves carrying different items, it’s a stressful experience, and one that’s exhausting.

But there are solutions.  When you prepare beforehand, it helps with making the move far less stressful. Here are some things to have on hand to make the experience rewarding, exciting, and how it should be.

Corrugated Boxes that are High Quality 

This is something that’s great for professionals in both shipping and moving. The boxes do benefit from being corrugated, and it also creates small crimples, secured directly with cardboard layers, creating lightweight, but sturdy boxes, which are perfect for holding different items in when transporting them.

This is also good, because, provided that you don’t overstuff these, they’re great for carrying different objects that are heavy, so it’s a good way to make it easier.

Packaging Peanuts 

These are nothing like the food grade, but they offer some cushion and support. They’re made from foam, or biodegradable materials, offering protection if something gets hit, and it helps to fill out places that are empty. They are somewhat flexible, with a shape that’s unique, allowing everything to hook itself together, and move around when not compressed, so they are reliable.

There are some that are eco friendly too, which offers a far less wasteful type of experience too.

Packaging Tape 

This is another one that’s important, because you want to make sure that the boxes are sealed, and nothing comes undone or loose. This is vital for moves, with so many variants of this, and each of these comes with a different sort of focus.

There is carbon sealing which is great for packing and is lightweight. 

There is cold temperature tape, which you can get for climates that are colder.

There is water activated tape, which is durable, and when water is applied, it creates a strong seal 

Fragile tape. This is tape that’s also good for marking ornaments, glassware, and China as fragile 

There are many different types of tape, all of which are vital for every person’s packaging needs. There is also stronger tape too that you can get for objects that are heavier. If you plan to package a ton of items, you might also want to invest in tape dispensers, in order to save some effort and time as well.

Ratchet Strap 

This is a great type of strapping that’s good for some people. It attaches a secure fastening to the top of the car, or to the roof, which is good for keeping objects in one location when they’re being transported.  While you probably will use a moving van, sometimes you might not, and some don’t like moving companies, so this is an option.


Finally, there are dollies, which is basically a type of item that helps with loading, and creating wheels and handles. These come in a lot of different sizes and shapes, and some are made for different purposes. They can be good for desks and chairs, and are made to be safe, and are hard for people to tip over in certain instances so they’re good for offering manpower when you might not have that otherwise. 

For a lot, having the right moving supplies is vital. That’s why, with this we’re able to create and craft the perfect items for your moving experience to make this even easier for you to handle as well. 

Digital Printing: Turning Packaging into Art 

Have you ever thought that packaging could be art? Have you wondered how to do this? With more and more boxes getting the art treatment, it makes sense why people will want to create product packaging that impresses people. With different companies including Michaels doing this, you might wonder if there is a way for you to get the most out of this.  Here, we’ll go over how you can do so.

More than Just the Cardboard Box 

Cardboard boxes are good, and they do the job. There is just one problem. They’re kind of bland.

They usually are super boring, and plain, not really distinguishable.  How can you make this become even more amazing? 

Well, the artwork will definitely make it different, and it’s something that a lot of people have moved towards, as the packaging that’s eye-catching offers numerous benefits. A branded box that’s stylish will not only make the appearance better, but it also makes the first impression unique, memorable, and the like, especially when you deliver this along with some of your competitors.

The benefits aren’t just for one customer and their impression either. With the digital age coming forward, ecommerce has offered marked support from different efforts that have made marketing different. Some of these include unboxing, and also affiliate marketing, and influencers. In the age of social media, being able to offer a package that looks good, and definitely makes this work, will definitely offer a better result.

This is something that you’ll want to do, as the packaging of the product is what sells it. This is what gives everyone the first impression. You want it to be unique, memorable, and look super different.

We also want to make sure that we hit the attention of those who arne’t buying from us, in order to get the sales even further. This is something that’ll definitely make things easier.

If you’ve been involved in B2B ecommerce in any sort of way, then you know about how important the design of this improves the chances of a purchase being made.

Look at the packaging industry, and how it’s started to embrace the usage of printing digitally. It certainly will change the way that you look at this, and how it’s done.

How it’ll advance Packaging with a Packaging Supplier 

The best way to get a chance to get a leg up in the industry, is of course with a packaging supplier.

This is because, they make sure that the package is ready to go, and it allows you to talk to customers, to find out what options they want, and they also can make it so that the package not only looks good, but communicates all of the branding points.

For many people, this type of packaging experience can change the way that the person sells the items. The right packaging can hit the right high notes,, and anything that this low notes will certainly get tossed to the side.

If you’ve ever thought about possibly getting some new packaging, it’s better to do that now, than wait too long. Your best option at this point, is to also look at the different ways that you can channel this through customers, into many businesses. Getting customers interested in the packaging that you offer, providing a fun packaging experience that’s branded and cool, will bring your packaging abilities to new levels.

When you build a custom packaging experience, it’s more than just a pretty package, you’re bringing art to life, and digital packaging lets you do just that, and more! 

How to design a good Packaging Strategy 

The functions of packaging is really important, and most of the time, the packaging operates at above a tactical sort of level, and usually, the activities get addressed, and success happens for the long term due to goals. Packaging needs to look at the way that the function of this improves the organizational goals, and that’s where a packaging type of strategy comes in. This is in fact, essential for building this.

Departments that are trying to do this without a good idea do fail, because they’re not properly aligned, and no objectives are met with this, and you have to understand the objective and goals of such. There are certain steps for you to take, and we’ll go over the three major ones here. 


This is where you look at what’s currently happening, and also, it determines the overall goals that the organization might have as well. This is usually the goals and missions, and they tend to be known. Plenty of companies make it very easy to see the statements, and what’s carried through.

To create a good packaging strategy, you need insight, and you need to understand the right industry, and the strength of what’s going on within, and you must understand the stakeholders and also the goals that are there too.

Understanding all of this is vital, and it also requires an industry analysis too, looking at the different nuances of each industry, and what’s important for each. 

The statement of goals

This is the point where you’ve done an analysis, looking at what matters to the organization, the goals of this, and the needs of such.

This is where goal statements get made, and of course the idea of mission and vision statements are utilized.

Vision statements of course, are the big types of pictures of what the organization is supposed to accomplish, with the mission statement being a more general aspect of this.

At this point, there also might be other mission statements put in place too. Some of them include the business processes to manage this, the equipment and resources that are used, the engineering services that are there and also the technology that’s being used to reach all of these goals. They all come together, to build the vision statement, the big picture, and it helps with developing a strategy. 

Determine the objectives 

Finally, once you’ve got the statements that are there the goals of the organization, the next step are the activities that are used to create goals. This flows through different parts of the organization, and the activities since then become more precise and further defined too. There are also other tactics that occur too, in order to help reach this.

Every single organization utilizes different types of forces so right now, there is no specific standard for this. the experience from different organizations and their types might be helpful with determining the overall objectives that are there.

You essentially need to set up the exact processes that are needed to fix these issues, and also other protocols that’ll hit these goals. 

The objectives will discuss the roles and responsibilities, along with the tactics.

This is a lot, and it might be a very long road to go on, but when you do this for your packaging strategies, you’re building the focus that you want to, in order to meet those objectives and success that you want for the long-term, and also building that organizational competitiveness that puts you over the others, and gives you that vital edge over the other people that may offer similar things.