Tag Archives: product waste

Why You should Use a Tape Dispenser 

Tape dispensers are a godsend for packaging for various reasons. They improve how efficient you are in all sorts of areas, and for a lot of businesses that are still growing, tape dispensers are the answer. Here, we’ll go over why you should invest in a tape dispenser now. 

The types 

There are tons of different types of tape dispensers, and each of them have a variety of functions. They include: 

  • A handheld tape dispenser which saves you money and literally just requires you to use your hand to dispense the tape. 
  • Pistol grip, which is great for wider tape rolls, and they can be up to a couple inches wide. 
  • Carton sealing dispensers, which are made from high-impact steel and plastic, which uses heat-treated blades and a roll-on sort of mechanism to seal your packaging. 
  • Definite length, which is one that’s good for accurate tape measurements, and this is great for ones that want something super accurate, as this is equipped with different controls, and it can dispense multiple rolls. 
  • Semi-automatic applicators, which are some of the most advanced, and they can dispense up to enough tape for 40 boxes a minute 

Obviously, there are a ton of different kinds, and there’s  a reason why you have a lot of different options for dispensing the tape that you have. 

Why Use a Tape Dispenser 

There are tons of benefits that come to this whenever you do use a tape dispenser. 

First and foremost, it increases your packaging speed, letting you get through a lot more packages in less time.  regardless of whether the dispenser is semi-automatic or automatic, this is one that’s definitely efficient for the packaging that you have. 

It also reduces the product waste that’s there.  Anyone who has used tape and scissors before knows that there is waste when you do it like this. But with a tape dispenser, this is one that also gets rid of the excess waste, and tape dispensers are great for higher packaging volumes. 

It’s also much more consistent. Regardless of the efficiency of an employee, they aren’t able to get it correct and consistent each time. with a tape dispenser, you’re able to be consistent, and really be able to hit the margins that you’re going for with each dispenser, making it easier for you. 

It’s also much better in the long haul too. 

Think about it, if you have consistent, accurate, and simple results on the regular, you’ll be able to save yourself some money over time. a tape dispenser offers you a chance, especially with the high-quality ones, to be consistent with it every single time. 

Instead of messing up the amount of tape that you use for this, a tape dispenser takes out the guesswork, and it takes out the inconsistency, and instead it will help you be able to easily and effectively create the perfect tape dispensers that’ll aid you and your business. 

With that said, not all tape dispensers are created equal. Some people may like to use tape dispensers that are big and bulky, which is fine if you have a lot of projects. If your projects are few and far between, you don’t need a big ol’ tape dispenser for this. 

With that said, look at all of the options that you have for tape dispensers, and see for yourself just what kind of tape dispenser you might need, and what will provide you with the exact needs that you have for this sort of product packaging as well, and help you seal your boxes too.