If you’re someone who is familiar with cardboard, you’re probably wondering a few things about it. Here are some unique tidbits you might not know about when you’re considering cardboard packaging.
It was an Accident to make
This was something that was discovered back in 1879, when an employee started to notice that the printing rule was far too great, and he ended up cutting thousands of seed bags rather than folding them.
Instead of throwing these away to stop the production, the owner, a man named Robert Gair, realized that by changing the blade height, he was able to achieve a result that was far different.
After that, he realized that cutting and folding the cardboard created a box that was prefabricated.
Before this point, making a box required some money and time, and the primary reason for this was to craft some luxury products. Because of Fait, these boxes were produced in series, and thereby made them cheaper.
He then patented during the same year the machine that manufactured boxes that were foldable. He moved the headquarters over to Dumbo, created a method to serialize the production of this, and then, provided these containers to Nabisco and Kellogg for them to use commercially.
Cardboard Boxes are Inside Out
This was something else that was discovered. In a recent TikTok viral video, it showed how the current cereal box is sealed easily, and quickly too. In 1950, Kellogg’s was one of the first companies to eliminate the use of wooden boxes, and they moved to a far more convenient and way cheaper cardboard box to distribute on a larger scale.

Cardboard Packaging Creates Emotions and expectations
Almost everyone does agree that the tearing and the unwrapping of boxes is exciting. One of the most popular things is unboxing. Why is that? Well, since they’re much bigger and take a bit to open, these boxes create expectation and interest.
This idea that’s further decided by promotion along with advertisement, oftentimes cardboard lets you print out some logos, designs that are attractive, and various product information without a ton of effort. For buyers, packaging that’s designed well protects the items, and from there, allows you to determine both the success, and the reputation that the brand offers.
Cardboard is Creative
For children, cardboard is very creative, as they can make spaceships, race cards, even submarines in this. some studies have discovered that children are able to create and communicate better through the use of these boxes.
Manipulating these materials refines the senses on a physical level, further raises questions, and offers them a chance to think in creative, more innovative ways. Building different toys in cardboard and wood also increases the awareness a person has for themselves, and the objects that popular this spatial dimension around where you are, so it’s good for them to learn spatial awareness through this.
Cardboard is Art

There is actually a museum that actually does trace the history of cardboard, and it showcases the history of cardboard that’s there. It’s something that showcases the boxes that were used in order to transport silkworm and moth eggs, and also illustrates the more modern usages of cardboard as well. This is something that’s located in France, which might be cool if you’re dropping into the area and need something to do in between seeing the Mona Lisa and everything else that’s there.
A lot of packaging benefits from cardboard, and here, we went over some of the cool aspects of cardboard, and why it’s a great product to use as well. ‘