In our world, we get products all the time delivered to us, in our homes
Whether we’re getting another subscription box or dinner for the family, you need everything to be properly packaged and finally delivered so that the items arrive safe and in one piece.
Due to the rising ecommerce that’s going on, we’re getting more shipping boxes and cartons that are used to deliver. This provides a problem, especially in terms of a lot of cardboard just being left at home.
Unlike other kinds of packaging which normally contain plastic and the like, you can recycle paper and cardboard relatively easily.
Here, we’ll discuss the following:
– paper such as folding boxes
- Corrugated boxes, including mailer boxes
Corrugated cardboard consists of thick and extra types of layered fiber that’s wavy and in between each of the sheets. They’re used primarily for shipping and moving as well.
Paperboard is a thinner type of cardboard due to the fibers being far too short for corrugated fibers, and in the process of recycling, they aren’t used for that. They’re primarily seen in cereals, beverages, boxes from bakeries, and lasso product boxes that are lighter in weight.
Recycling Cardboard
Recycling cardboard is very easy to do.
The first step is once you’ve got the boxes entered into the facility to recycle them, they are sorted, and further separated from other paper items, since cardboard is stronger, and may not be the same type of board as the others. They’re separated, sorted, and then, they shred the cardboard for later on.
Next, they pulp it, where they take the material that’s shredded, mixing it with water, in order to break down these fibers, and is used to create some new materials made of cardboard
Filtering is the third step, where you separate the waste that’s leftover, including tape, ink, even staples. You want to make sure that this is all taken out so that they’re bonded together. This protects each of the products made of cardboard and is further created at the end of the day.
Next, they want to add some more water, in order to stir and press these together to create the ideal type of consistency for the products that are being made. Cardboard does require different kinds of regimens, so the length utilized for this process along with the added chemicals does vary.
The last step is that you roll and dry this, where you roll out the paper, and then dry this, and then, it makes brown paper, which creates a new cardboard or paper product.
Tips to Recycle Better
There are a few ways to make recycling easier for you, which we’ll go over here.
First, you want to flatten the cardboard prior to making sure that you send this. you want to flatten it, ensuring that there’s nothing else added to this. you want to make sure there’s no plastic within the box, or outside of the box. This can prevent the recycling center from taking it, and it ends up getting thrown in the waste. If you notice labels and tape that are on there, consider leaving them or removing them, depending on the type of material.

Another thing is to make sure that you have boxes which are dry and cleaned so that they don’t get contaminated. You don’t want to ruin the integrity of the packaging, since some recycling centers will then throw these away, since cardboard that’s wet is very hard to recycle.
Try to separate out the boxes that are oily and wet, and only have the dry ones together.