How to Make Packaging more Accessible

Packaging and accessibility do go hand in hand, and there are a few things that make it better for you and your customers. Here, we’ll give you a few fun things for you to use to make the packaging accessible for many, and in a way that’ll benefit everyone involved, in their own unique way. 

Have it Be Legible 

For a lot of people that can’t see well or are partially sighted, this may make a major difference in their life. 

It’s much easier to read something larger especially if you’ve got dyslexia and hyperlexia, and the colors may also help. Having contrasting colors is good for those with seeing issues to pick out various designs and words. 

Shapes and simples make it easier to read than complex ones too. 

Be Ergonomic 

If you’re looking to make a package feel right, then you need to have a texture that feels good. 

Cardboard is tactile, but the debossing and embossing of such does enhance the practical use, along with the appearance physically. It’s not only better to handle, but the texture such as embossing and debossing makes it easier to grip and hold.

Businesses might ask whether it’s good to add braille there.  While it is a nice gesture, this isn’t always necessary. Only a small percentage can actually read braille.  It’s better to make it better in terms of a tactile nature. 

Being flexible 

A lot of people that buy certain stuff online in terms of products are different in nature. So the packaging needs to be correct for everyone. So yes, packaging must meet the circumstances and needs that the abilities will have. Some packaging might have different facets, with each of them fulfilling different requirements. For instance, pop up boxes that are flat and take up far less space for storage at warehouses are simple for packers to utilize. They also fit in letterboxes for convenience, and also are easier for customers to open and get rid of. It’s a little feature but goes crazy for many.

Being Intuitive 

Regardless of the consumer, the products must be packaged so that unboxing is instinctive, and it can be good, as it doesn’t require more extensive equipment, or even brute force to do this. packages that’ll be easier for you to open, but it’s not as obvious how one might get inside. Then what is the point? People don’t want to have to play a game just to get something opened. 

Being Desirable 

Just because the packaging is made for certain requirements doesn’t mean that it shouldn’t look pretty. If you have a large font, or different color combinations on this package, it means accessibility. It also means that the package may be eye-catching and cutting-edge in terms of designs. 

Think of the NHS glasses during the 60s and 70s. they’re brilliant, but they look terrible on people. Glasses need to be attractive and suitable while also doing the job necessary.  One specific criterion doesn’t preclude the other ones. You can have beauty go with the function. 

You want to make sure that you have these factors on there, and while intuitive packaging might be good, they definitely need to be properly utilized. There are different features, and when they’re delivered, or even disposed of, it does matter to many people. Having intuitive, accessible packaging is what matters, and it’s something that businesses need to focus on. 

When you go intuitive, you make this matter, and you’ll be amazed at the difference this type of packaging can have on your needs too.