How Digital Shipping Changes Packaging design

There are many online retailers that are spending upwards of $900 billion compared to previous years, and while many retailers have benefitted from online sales, the grocery and discount stores have seen a big shift in this. Online sales used to drive a small part of this, but the pandemic is changing all of this over time, and with new resources, people are starting to use this. Online grocery sales have grown, and while it’s still only a single-digit type of share, the growth is so much more than in the past, which means that they will retain the growth that the experienced at the peak though, even if it does die down. 

The rise of Visualization 

Brand managers are now considering how color plays a part in this, and the branding challenges and opportunities that come with this. Brand and packaging designers know that the color plays a big role not just on the shelf, but also online. In retail environments, you need to stand out on the wall of color, and if you have a package that creates a visual cue and a wall of color, the consumer will immediately turn to this, long before they even touch the package. Color becomes one of the key identifiers of the brand itself, and it’s a big part of the customer remembering and then relocating the product when they go to the store again.

As the digital rise starts to get bigger and bigger, the designer sand brads are now looking at what color can do when it comes to packaging and design. The purpose of this is to offer critical information about the product. When the physical environment isn’t present, the brands must then consider how they can engage with the packaging of a product in this new and improved contact, allowing for more brands to start to explore what digital tools they have available.

There are tons of digital visualization tools which do exist, and a designer will have to learn how to use this in different channels. The use of the tools does depend on the product itself, since consumer electronics along with apparel companies have begun to invest in a lot more that offers better, higher returns to the brand itself. There is a more accurate type of representation and the return rates of such too. 

As the tools start to become more and more widely available, we start to see them being adopted as consumer goods. Designers do as well need to look at the physical packaging and how it will work on-screen as well, such as using colors which are metallic, along with other special effects in the packaging, where the store lighting may not be appealing, or maybe it’s more appealing like this. It’s important to look at hos this will effect all part of the ecommerce realm, since digital screens that can’t render these effects in the same way does affect the appearance of such in the environments. In the world of color, the distinction and preciseness is important, especially when going between appearance and color. 

Color is one part of the main appearance on objects. There are other factors as well including the gloss and texture, so it can be hard to properly display this on screen, but it can be rendered through the right visualization and software, offering more chances for returns. Digital packaging is playing  a huge part in this, and for a lot of brands, learning to make stuff that looks good both on the shelves and off the shelve