While people are being asked to stay home I know most people are going stir-crazy at this point. Most of us have been inside our homes for over two weeks now, with no end in sight. I think I have organized and reorganized every room in my house by now, so I am definitely looking for something different to do.
As the weather has started to warm up I have found myself on my back deck most days. I love being outside and decided this weekend would be perfect for a little camping trip. Now I know most public campsites are closed, and for good reason. We don’t need people gathering in public places, even if it is outside. But I know of some specific places in state parks that are free-range for camping. I don’t have to reserve a spot or worry about being around people.
The fresh air and a change of scenery will surely be beneficial for us during this hard time. We will learn a new appreciation for nature and being out of the house, if nothing else. Many of the camping stores are closed for now, so I will have to make due with what I currently have.
For sleeping arrangements it is actually pretty lucky that we received two camping cots for Christmas. We asked for these to use at camping music festivals and for trips to the lake when all the beds are already taken. But these will certainly be perfect to set up inside of the tent we also already have. We have fold-up camping chairs we can bring and even recently purchased a jet-boil to cook pasta or rice instant meals. We will pack all of our other belongings in shipping boxes and be on our way.
Since we are not going to be camping at reserved campsites inside parks, it might take a little hiking to get to a spot. We probably won’t be super close to our car either so we need strong shipping boxes to hold the weight of the things we will be carrying to our campsite. Once we get there we could use the cardboard for kindling for our fire. We could also tear down the boxes and make an even ground for our tent. Sometimes the ground is too rocky or uneven and a few boxes will help stabilize the ground for the tent.
This may be a more primitive camping experience than I am used to, but I think it will be worth it. I am ready to pack up my belongings and get to somewhere new.