(Mention shipping boxes in regards to advertising of delivery products and subscription boxes)
With this weekend’s culmination, the next two teams to head to the Super Bowl have been determined. Say what you will about the way the Rams and Saints game ended and talk as much smack as you want about the Patriots, but none of that will change the outcome of who our next contenders will be for this Super Bowl: the Rams and the Patriots.

A lot of times, people like to meet up with friends, family, and even coworkers to watch the Super Bowl. Finger foods are prepared and thoroughly enjoyed, fans become ravenous for a win, and those who aren’t invested in the game wonder why the heck it’s such an American tradition to watch the silly game.
But perhaps one of the biggest things people talk about concerning the Super Bowl in the last decade or so is commercial presence.

Super Bowl ads become hugely discussed in early February simply because of how many people watch the game each year. It’s a no brainer for companies to spend tons of money just to secure a spot, but it ends up paying off big time considering the tens of millions of eyes who are watching their commercial.
So this year, we wanted to make a game out of the commercials. Count how many times you see shipping boxes throughout the 3 to 4 hour event.

Some companies like to show their national and even international presence by showing packages shipped to new areas. Others are simply showcasing their brand identity through their shipping boxes. And even other companies want to highlight the presence of a new fad: monthly subscription boxes.
I’m here to say that I fully expect to count at least ten instances of cardboard boxes showing up in Super Bowl commercials. With at least 50+ companies slinging their ads at your eyes, you’re bound to see some of the things I’ve mentioned. Just keep your eyes peeled and watching for the likes of parcels and packages on the go.
And no matter what happens, enjoy the game for what it means: bringing together friends and family. It’s a good way to follow up the winter holidays and will tide you over to those on the horizon. Considering there aren’t any major holidays for awhile, a lot of Americans like to regard the Super Bowl as a faux holiday. There’s no reason why you shouldn’t as well.