Getting Started on Your Goals for the Year

Getting started on goals, be they life changing or minor goals you want to get yourself to conquer, can be tough simply because it means going away from your daily routine to tackle new things. And for the most part, the majority of people fail their set goals because they never even attempt them in the first place.

But who can blame those people? That’s the normal thing to do. With good intentions in their minds, they write down goals and feel all excited about what they’ve written down. They feel good about getting the pen to paper. But when it comes down to it, they say they don’t have enough time, enough money, or enough energy at the end of the day.

Excuses. These are excuses to get out of accomplishing a new goal. It does take more time, more money, or more energy to get ahold of a new task, wrestle with it, and defeat it. It does, and that’s the whole point. You’ll never accomplish goals by conserving time and energy. Never. You have to go above and beyond and dedicate more of yourself to grow yourself. That’s the entire point of it all.

If you have to grab a roll of tape or other shipping supplies just to tape up a to-do list to your fridge or cabinets or wall (anywhere visible, really), then do it. Get messy, cheap, or dirty, it doesn’t matter. Those shipping supplies will be the best things you ever had so long as your list of goals are visible to you every single day. Multiple times a day. Whatever it takes, get it in front of your eyes so that those goals are staring you down every single day.

When you think about it, who out there ever felt good about accomplishing a task they put no effort into? No one. If you didn’t do it yourself, put in the sweat and blood, then there’s not much reward or payoff in terms of feel-good emotions. You may feel efficient, sure. But it doesn’t feel as good to finally get there.

So I’m here to tell you that accomplishing your goals is hard work and that’s why most people don’t ever get around to it. Because they don’t change up the way they’re living. Don’t be a part of the minority, though. Do it for yourself and because you know it’ll feel all the sweeter once you’re done.