Simple Storage Projects with Repurposed Cardboard Boxes

In “Easy Storage Projects with Up-cycled Cardboard Boxes”, Kathy Woodard, explains how to repurpose ordinary cardboard boxes into beautiful eco-friendly storage bins. Do it yourself storage projects are unbelievably simple, gentle on the bank account and are easily personalized. Now,go retrieve your cardboard boxes from the recycling bin so we can get started. Not sure where to begin? Check out the DIY storage tutorial blogs below for step by step instructions or decorative inspiration.Ready, set, let’s go!

I Heart Organizing
Don’t you just love attractive storage bins? Jen, the BHG Best Blog winner, up-cycled basic shipping boxes into one of a kind, appealing DIY fabric bins! Her site includes eons of pictures for this project, and lots of other wonderful DIY hacks.

Thrifty Chic
Are you going through diaper boxes faster than recycling can pick them up? And do you have old sweaters? Wonderful! Alicia to the rescue! She knows her way around a cardboard box, and how to create adorable one hundred percent up-cycled DIY storage bin projects from beginning to end! Her site is a must see!

Bless’er House
Love the look of weathered wood? Lauren shows you have to achieve the weathered wood look without the weathered wood price. Her easy DIY weathered wood storage box is made from a repurposed diaper box. How awesome is that?

Stonybrook House
Lori is making magic happen with a little bit of attractive contact paper and cereal boxes. Yes cereal boxes! This DIY desk organizer project will cost you less than a dollar to make!

Mail that is not opened right away is often tossed into a drawer and forgotten. Anna’s mail organizer tutorial is easy to follow. You will need cereal boxes, fabric, craft items and you are on the way!

Small Fry & Co
Heather is incredibly brilliant! She refurbished Costco style cardboard boxes into hanging file boxes. Visit her site for step by step directions and photos!

Curb to Refurb
Carrie repurposes cheese cardboard containers into impressive faux galvanized metal boxes. She shares excellent pointers on her site how to achieve this look on other items also. If you are a fan of the industrial look, this site is for you!

In My Own Style
Diane illustrates how to make an attractive scrapbook paper organizer or office organizer from cardboard boxes. Her project is simple, inexpensive and quick!

Iron & Twine
This DIY belt strap bin is perfect to put on display in your home. Michelle used cardboard and items from the thrift store to achieve this look. Wow! Pretty, practical, functional and cheap. This project is a win win!

Wanessa Carolina Creations via Catch My Party
So you are not the craftiest person. That’s alright. These DIY storage boxes come with complimentary printable and editable labels!

Make It, Love It
Last but certainly not least, Ashley shows us how to make covered cardboard storage boxes extra stable and sturdy! This project is perfect to organize the office, craft room or the kid’s playroom.

These DIY storage projects from repurposed cardboard boxes are ingenious and inexpensive storage ideas. If you loved this post, you will love our DIY dollar store organizing ideas also!