A Look At Packaging And Shipping Boxes Of Different Companies In Business

Product packaging is something that is overlooked when it comes to business. The thing is that in today’s world of business, product packaging is just as important as the product itself. Product packaging does not only need to be apprealing to the eye but it also needs to have a practical use and have a character that makes it stand out against other businesses. The following is a small look at companies who are known for using unique packaging and shipping boxes in order to make their business thrive and make them stand out.

Trident Gum is a company that is known for its unique packaging. The packaging has the picture of a smile with the teeth being made of the pieces of gum that are inside of the package. The mouth has clear film across it so the teeth are actually the gum inside. This is something that certainly makes the product stand out and something that people will always remember about Trident Gum.


Ford Ranger Extreme Matchbox packaging is also very unique when it comes to packaging. One really does not associate the Ford brand with matches. They do a good job though associating the iconic automobile maker with matches though. The Ford Ranger is on the package and the color of the box is appealing. This is a very good promotional tool for the Ford Ranger which is another reason that packaging can be used to have a unique look to it.

NYC Spaghetti has a very neat packaging box. It is very simple but the image of a New York City scene made of the noodles is appealing and again makes these shipping boxes something that people are drawn to. That is the key of these boxes. They are meticiously planned for that reason. People want to see eye pleasing things but the important thing for a business is to make sure that the consumer is able to remember and relate the box to their product. This increases the chance for more sales which means more revenue for the company.

Literal Fruit Juice has one of the most innovative boxes out there. If the juice is strawberry than the package that the juice is in is made in the shape and resemblance of a strawberry. The same thing with their banana flavor and coconut flavor. Again, this is a very good example of how designing and making the package something that is unique and will make it stand out.

Teepee Amerindian Herbal Teas has a very high quality product that they sell. It is their packaging though in the shape of a teepee that helps it make promoting itself and making the brand one that people always remember when they go to shop for it. You simply cannot stress how imporant packaging is in business.

The innovation and the creatively of shipping packages is one that has made that part of business a competitive one. It opens a whole new aspect of competition in business. Item packaging needs to have a practical use but it also has to have character and appeal in this day and time in order to have that competitive edge in business and for it to have longevity and sustainability.