Ways to Save on Freight Shipping

Freight shipping is a pretty costly enterprise, and one that is completely unavoidable if you own a company or manage a business.  It’s also getting more costly with more regulations.  How could this be, with ecommerce companies at an all-time high and continuing to rise?  The problem arises with the simple fact that there simply isn’t enough physical space available to move everything that needs to be moved.  Drivers are at an all-time low.  Profits are too, so equipment is breaking and proper repair is not being invested in.


These are some challenges in the shipping industry that you simply can’t avoid.  There are, however, some that you can:

Don’t Guess How Much the Package Weighs

Weigh every single package for an accurate number.  Shipping carriers often re-weigh the items and charge a fee if there is a disparity.  Not only will you avoid the fee, you will probably save yourself a bunch of money on shipping in general.

Properly Classify the Packages

There are eighteen freight classifications, all of them of different specifications, and even the type of shipping supplies that you use factors in.  You stand the chance of being upcharged if you choose the wrong classification, so be sure to communicate with your carrier if you have any questions.

Properly Package the Packages

This might seem obvious, but it still needs to be said.  Choose the right shipping supplies depending on what you are sending.  Carriers have begun to charge based on the size of packages and not just how much they weigh.  Choosing proper materials will also help you save money on shipping supplies, as well.

Palletize when Appropriate

Items that are going to the same place should be put on a pallet and wrapped tightly with plastic.  Not only will this reduce the risk of items being separated and an order being messed up, it will protect what you are sending.  On top of that, you will have a lower carrier fee because the pallet will be much more manageable for shipping and handling.


Have Adequate Insurance

A lot of carriers offer insurance, but you might want to consider looking at third party insurance providers to get the most coverage for your money.  Some online research should help you find the best companies to choose from.

Manage Your Paperwork Well

Make sure that all of the shipping paperwork is properly completed.  It would be a great idea to have someone who is solely designated for making sure that there are no disparities in the orders.  Unfortunately, it’s the shipping paperwork that most often results in shipping issues, and that will cost you dearly.