How to Make Chocolate: From Cocoa Powder to Candy Boxes, Part 2

In part one of “How to Make Chocolate: From Cocoa Powder to Candy Boxes” I spent the first half of the post talking about how unfortunate it is receive a gift that really isn’t any fun to receive (AKA five dollar lotion from Wal-Mart).  Then I elaborated on the one gift that is always well-received, which is homemade chocolates and/or candies.  Seriously, though, if it’s your coworkers birthday or if someone is graduating, either of these people and anyone in between would be elated to unwrap some homemade butterfinger bites (which I explained how to make in the first post).  I made sure to emphasize the importance of presentation, which means that you should use real candy boxes instead of Ziploc bags, which will really just send your giftees over the edge with appreciation.


Then I gave the recipe, and then I promised to write more recipes in part two of “How to Make Chocolate: From Cocoa Powder to Candy Boxes”.  Which is this one.  And so, without further ado, some more chocolate recipes:

Copycat Three Musketeers: melt eight ounces of chocolate (I talked about how I do this without burning the chocolate in the first post).  Then melt seven ounces of marshmallow crème and stir it into the melted chocolate chocolate.  Spread into a loaf pan lined with wax paper or sprayed with nonstick.  Put in the refridgerator until completely cooled, and then cut them into equal sized bars (you will probably get six if you are going for regular sizes).  Melt eight more ounces of chocolate and dip each bar into it.  Place on a prepared baking sheet and refrigerate until set.

Homegrown Rock Candy: Yes, I said homegrown and not homemade.  Tie a piece of yarn to a butterknife and rest the knife over the top of a jar so that the string hangs down almost to the bottom.  Boil some water, and then start adding sugar.  Add sugar until it won’t dissolve anymore.  You have to get this part of the process or you can’t grow the rock candy.  Add a couple drops of the food coloring of your preference, or you can leave it clear if you are boring like that.  Pour the solution into the jar, and then set it somewhere where it wont be messed with for a few days (I recommend covering it with a paper towel to keep dust from falling in).  Check on it every day, without touching it, and you can watch the progress of the crystals climbing the yarn as the water evaporates.  So cool!

[Don’t forget to packaged everything in the candy boxes as soon as it is done, to avoid any unnecessary and heartbreaking disasters!]