Bin Liners as a Baby Gift

Although this entry is going to be primarily composed around babies and all things associated, it still offers some valuable information for people of all walks of life.  Because we all know someone with kids, right?  Or who are expecting?  I mean, I seriously doubt any of us have no children in our lives.  It would be incredibly difficult to manage, although I guess the person with pedophobia would beg to differ.  Even say it was necessary.  The fact of the matter is that it’s impossible to avoid the little buggers.

When I had my first kid I thought that I was too cool for school and wasn’t going to get one of those diaper genies that wraps each individual diaper and sucks it down into the compartment, sealing in any stench and saving everyone in the vicinity from instant nausea.  I took one look at the price of those bin liners and thought, “Nah, I’ll pass.”  Seriously, though, maybe if they didn’t insist on packaging them in the most expensive way possible…

By the time we were having our second kid I still wasn’t completely resolved to make the commitment.  I mean, it’s all well and good to get everything as a gift, but you are the one that has to keep buying the bin liners.  It’s a long term commitment, if you think about it.

Well, when baby number three was on the way I couldn’t wait to ask for a diaper genie.  I was ready for the commitment.  I was ready to be done with the nasty diapers lying around.  I was ready to be done with a pile of poopy diapers right outside the front door.  Some people would wrap up their dirty diapers in old shopping bags.  Not me.  I couldn’t bear adding another step to the whole process.  As soon as all buns were wiped clean and reswaddled I wanted to march that bundle of refuse outside immediately.  Outside being the key word.  I didn’t want to march all the way to garbage can, mind you.

Not until I had amassed enough to make the trip worth while.  I’m sure all of this sounds pretty heinous to most of you.  So you will gladly rejoice that I did indeed commit to the diaper genie, and faithfully paid for the bin liners for the three years it was in use.  I then sold it at a garage sale for five bucks.  It really is the gift that keeps on giving.  Keep that in mind when having your own, or buying for someone else.