Stretch Wrap Dispensers are a Must

If you deal with stretch wrap then odds are that you deal with the stretch wrap dispensers. If you don’t, let me give you a few reasons for why you should (just keep in mind that they aren’t listed in order of most to least important, because they are all equally important). And now, reasons why stretch wrap dispensers are a must:

  • There are many different sizes. Just because you use a certain kind of stretch wrap doesn’t mean that it doesn’t have a dispenser. El contrare! There are actually stretch wrap dispensers for mini stretch wrap, the bigger ones are adjustable, and they even have a dispenser for bundling wrap. Also, there is an extended handle which allows for packaging and bundling taller loads, and it also eliminates the need to bend over when wrapping the bottom of the load.


  • Using stretch wrap dispensers offers a tighter wrap, and that’s exactly what you want. When wrapping or bundling by hand you are susceptible to hand fatigue and just awkwardness in general. Those stretch wrap rolls are pretty stinking heavy, and they are either too big or too small to handle effectively.
  • By wrapping tighter, the chances of whatever you are shipping arriving in its intended state increases exponentially. Otherwise, all manner of obstacles and impediments could cause the load to shift and the product to be damaged, even beyond repair.
  • If you think that you are saving money by cutting the corner of using stretch wrap dispensers, I would stand to reason that you aren’t. Saving money, that is. Dealing with stretch wrap manually often results in a lot of waste since unrolling the wrap is harder to start and stop without the dispenser. Not to mention the wrap is not as tight as it could be, resulting in more stretch wrap being used than is necessary for the job.
  • If the actual stretch wrap dispensers seem like overkill to you and exceed your needs, there are other options. Consider the double handle wrapper. When using this, you don’t have to spend unnecessarily on extended cores; this rod goes through the regular core and allows you to hold onto both ends securely. Last but not least, if you absolutely refuse to invest in any type of dispenser, consider the handi-ring set. Quite simply, these are two plastic rings that fit into either end of the roll and makes for wrapping by hand quite a bit easier.